Right now, many Veterans are struggling to figure out how to file – or how to improve the outcome -of their VA Claim.
Here are 3 Resources to help you learn how to improve your VA Claim – and benefit from what OTHERS have learned about the process.
1. Join Social Media Groups for Veterans.
My favorite Facebook Group for Veterans is VAisLying.com.
Here’s the link to the group’s website. Here is a link to their Facebook Page.
This group has about thousands of Veteran members most of whom are fighting the exact same fights as you. Want to gripe about the VA? This is a great place to get things off your chest.
And a few years back, while everyone else was scrambling to deal with the fallout of the Shinseki Wait List Scandal, the VA is Lying Facebook page garnered a meeting with VA Secretary Bob McDonald – no other Facebook group has gotten this much visibility and attention from the VA.
But here’s a story about what else it can do for you.
Recently, I was working on a case for a Vietnam Veteran, with an advanced neurological condition that was getting worse.
We needed to get his BVA appeal certified to the BVA so that we could ask the Board for an expedited hearing – I mean, this case is a “no-brainer”, and once we get a BVA Judge to look at it, he or she will grant it.
(It’s a Fully Developed Claim, with the strongest evidence I’ve ever seen…but the Regional Office seems to think that the case is about something totally different…its unbelievable how ridiculous they have made this case.)
Problem is, it had been over a year since we submitted the Veteran’s VA Form 9, and the Regional Office won’t call us back, return emails, reply to faxes, etc.
Sound familiar?
So I asked the gang on VAisLying.com for help. Guess what?
In less than 30 minutes – I s**t you not, it was that quick – the assistant to the Regional Office’s Director was calling us on the case. Within a couple days, we not only moved the case forward, but had a DRO Hearing scheduled, too!
From one “call for fire” in a Social Media group, we were able to change the way a veteran experienced the VA claims process.
You should join – you may know something that could help another Veteran. Or another Veteran may know something that can help you.
The kind of results I described above may not be possible for every Veteran – I have noticed that those Veterans that GET the most help on Facebook, for example, are the ones that are GIVING the most help, too.
That’s kind of how life works, anyway: you get out of the universe exactly what you put into it, right?
Added bonus of this group: Vietnam Veteran Ron Nesler, it’s founder, is leading the charge to put the heat on the VBA and VHA for their inadequacies.
He’s a relentless Veterans’ Warrior, and an inspiration to me, personally and professionally.
2. Use the Veterans Law Blog to inform and educate yourself about the VA Claim Process.
Most blogs and websites have the same information about the VA Claim Process – the stuff you already know or that doesn’t really help you.
Not the Veterans Law Blog. I work hard to publish more content and more – QUALITY – information about VA Claims and Appeals than any other resource out there. I want the Veterans Law Blog to be the lighthouse that shows you safe passage through the VA process in YOUR claim or appeal.
Our 1000+ posts, videos and emails help you to understand every step and every stage of the VA Claims process.
Recently – almost every other day now – I received a message from a Veteran that used the Veterans Law Blog to win his case. Here are his words:
Another Veteran wrote this about one of our books:
And yet another emailed this to me:
“First, I want to thank you guys for being there for us (Vets). It is great to know that there are others out there who are concern and educating other veterans about the legal terminology that the VBA or VRB use to determine its decisions and also how to refute that process in the best interest of their claims…The information that your firm has provided is essential for basic understanding of a very complex legal system or court system and it’s adjudication process(s).”
—Carney M.
If you want to learn more about what the Veterans Law Blog can do for your claim or appeal, click here.
3. VA Compensation claims eBooks and Video Training from the Veterans Law Blog Bookstore show YOU how to cut through the fog of VA Claims.
Veterans have been fighting for years to get their C-Files.
In fact, I teach a method that helps Veterans get them faster, and if they don’t, this method has real teeth.
Read what 2 Veterans have told me about this video training tool:
“I purchased “How to Get a Copy of Your C-File” and the results were incredible. I am still dumbfounded. I sent a letter to get copies of my C&P exams using the format in your book and within twenty days I had the copies! I sent in a request for copies of my C&P exams in September 2013 and had not heard anything!!! I purchased your training in March 2014 and by April 10, 2014, I had the copies. I can say that if I had not used the example letters in your book it would have probably taken another year before I would have received them.”
—Greg M.
The idea behind the video training is this. You’ve handled 1 VA claim or appeal – yours – for years. I’ve handled several dozen…hundreds….maybe even thousands by now…at VA Regional Offices all around the country.
I have seen so much of how the VA Claim process works (and doesn’t work) that I am sharing with you the information and education that it took me several years and a LOT of cases to acquire.
And, for a less than the cost of 2 packs of smokes, you can get monthly premium membership access to learn more about improving your VA Claim that most other Veterans….and do it without having to deal with a VSO or attorney that won’t do what you want or won’t call you back.
The Veterans Law Blog has a lot to offer – check out the eBooks and Training Videos at the Veterans Law Blog Shop . Just know that those training videos and products are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the VA Claims knowledge available on the Veterans Law Blog.