Almost every veteran I know has filed a claim to service connect a VA disability for hearing loss. I’m sure that somewhere in some unit in the military, there is no noise. And because there is no noise, the veterans who served in this imaginary unit never...
When it comes to get the highest rating for a claim for VA Disability for Migraine Headaches, the game of baseball can prove a helpful metaphor. Baseball fanatics love statistics. We love stats because we can define how good a team or a player is based on a single...
One of the most common VA Disabilities is hearing loss. And for that reason, one of the most commonly asked questions by Veterans is: What is the VA disability rate for hearing loss? Ask this question to most VSOs, attorneys and your fellow Veterans, and you are going...
This is part 3 in a 3 part series on maximizing your VA disability compensation for headaches. You can read more about how to get VA Disability for Migraine headaches by clicking here to read the first part of the series. And you can learn more about how to get the...
This is part 2 in a 3 part series on maximizing your VA Rating for Migraine headaches. You can read more about how to get VA Disability for Migraine headaches by clicking here to read the first part of the series. And you can learn more about proving VA Disability...