So you served in Thailand during the Vietnam war, and now have a disability that you claim is related to Agent Orange or tactical herbicide exposure in Thailand. Seems like a straightforward claim – after all, you’ve heard that the VA is supposed to...
Agent Orange was not only used in Vietnam. In fact, it was used all around the world, even a couple of bases here stateside. Veterans who served in Korea during a certain time period in the Vietnam war were likely exposed to herbicides, including Agent Orange. The...
Background of Blue Water Navy Claims (1991 – 2018) In 1991, Congress passed a law, known as the Agent Orange Act, that required the VA presume that veterans who served in the Republic of Vietnam were exposed to Dioxin (i.e., Agent Orange.) Two years later the VA...
Spoiler alert: Vietnam veteran survivor benefits do not die with the veteran if the claims are related to Agent Orange or herbicide exposure. To many of you that will come as a shock. To others, it will feel like a betrayal, as millions and millions of Vietnam veteran...
I’m working to get this information out QUICK, so sorry for the brevity. You can catch up on what’s going on with Blue Water Navy Veterans and the presumption of Agent Orange exposure by clicking here. Here’s the updated timeline – keep in...