What Drives YOUR VA Sleep Apnea Claim?
If I had a nickel for every time I heard someone say the following statement about a VA Sleep Apnea claim, I might be able to buy a damn nice race car: “The VA denied sleep apnea in my claim…they said it was because I had no sleep study in service,” the veteran says....[VIDEO] Do you get the max Sleep Apnea VA Disability rating?
Anybody can go online and find the Sleep Apnea VA Disability Rating criteria on the VA rating scheduleYou may have found this page searching for that very phrase. And, if all you are looking for are the percent levels for ratings for sleep apnea in a VA claim, well, a...Why did two similar VA sleep apnea claims have such different results at the BVA?
Today we are going to look at 2 very similar fact patterns in 2 VA Sleep Apnea claims, and figure out why One Veteran PROVED service-connection, and the other did not.