Blue Water Navy Veterans & Agent Orange exposure claims.
Background of Blue Water Navy Claims (1991 – 2018) In 1991, Congress passed a law, known as the Agent Orange Act, that required the VA presume that veterans who served in the Republic of Vietnam were exposed to Dioxin (i.e., Agent Orange.) Two years later the VA...The Battle Continues: Turning Brown Water into Blue Water Agent Orange Claims.
I bet you didn’t know that the VA could work magic. They can – by magically transforming a Brown Water Agent Orange into a Blue Water Agent Orange claim. Here’s How the “Blue Water Agent Orange” Magic Trick Works: You just learned that...7 Ways to Improve Your VA Agent Orange Thailand Exposure Claims.
I’ve often said that Vietnam era Veterans that were exposed to Agent Orange in Thailand are the “orphans” of Agent Orange claims. The only folks that get a worse deal from the VA are the survivors of Vietnam era Veterans that served on Royal Thai Air...Agent Orange Thailand Vets are often the VA’s “orphans”.
Agent Orange Thailand Vets are often the “orphans” of the Vietnam War, and often have the hardest path to proving exposure to Agent Orange.