LIFETIME Subscriptions: $600! $480 through June 30, 2022.
The average Veterans Law Blog® subscriber continues their subscription for 5 years. One-third of annual subscribers have continued to subscribe for 6+ years.
If you purchased annually, that would cost $600. If you purchased Quarterly that would cost you $900.
You can save BIG – and never have to deal with auto-renewals – by buying a Lifetime Subscription for:
$480 through June 30, 2022.
With a Lifetime Subscription, you never pay anything, ever, for any content on the Veterans Law Blog®!
Here’s what you get with a LIFETIME Subscription (Click here to see the annual plan)
- One-time subscription to the Veterans Law Blog®: never pay again for extra content.
- Access to all content – current and future content – for one price.
- Unlimited Access to EVERY Article on the Veterans Law Blog®
- Weekly Emails from Chris Attig with new information about the VA Claims process and proving and winning VA Claims and Appeals
- NEW!!! Includes 8 FREE Veterans Law Blog® Field Manuals
- 5 Reasons the VA Keeps Screwing Up Your Claim (and how you have the power to fix them!)
- How to Choose a VA Claims Attorney
- Sworn Declaration Forms
- VA Claims Case Study (Volume 1: The DRO) [APPLIES TO LEGACY APPEALS ONLY]
- Veterans Court Cases: 10 Important Cases
- VA TDIU Field Manual
- VA Sleep Apnea Field Manual
- VA Evidence Field Manual
- How to Get and Use your VA C-File (3 hour training course with 14 downloadable resources)
- How to Prove a VA Service Connection Claim (5+ hour training course with easy to follow downloads and guides)
- AMA Appeal Process
- VA TDIU Claims Course
- VA Sleep Apnea Claims Course
- 5 Star Evidence: how to use evidence to prove your VA Claims and Appeals
- Caselaw: Important decisions from the Veterans Court and Federal Circuit
- Get to the POINT! (30 minute video training veterans to write better in their VA claims and appeals.
- 30-60 minute training videos through the Blog, analyzing ratings decisions, BVA decisions, etc!
- FREE Sample Forms(Templates and Forms just like the ones lawyers use when filing VA Appeals)
- Notice of Disagreement Continuation Pages & Standard Language [FOR LEGACY APPEALS]
- Motion to Advance an Appeal on the BVA Docket.
- Motion to Expedite a Remanded Appeal (from CAVC and/or BVA)
- Sworn Declaration Form
- More forms and templates each month
- New Content: The Veterans Law Blog® will soon begin adding new content that will help veterans discover and deploy the life skills needed to thrive as a civilian.
- The “Real Veteran” podcast
- More NEW courses, templates, how-to guides, etc.
- Community forums where veterans can talk to other veterans working through – or who have successfully navigated – the 8 Steps to Improve a VA Claim.
What Veterans Law Blog® Field Manuals Come With the Subscription?
#1: 5 Reasons that the VA Keeps Screwing Up Your Claim
In the 7 years, I’ve looked at HUNDREDS — if not THOUSANDS — of C-Files in cases that the VA has denied a Veterans benefits.
There are patterns showing why the VA Keeps screwing up your VA Claims!
Here are 5 ways to break those patterns the VA isn’t going to share!
#2: How to Choose a VA Claims Attorney
I see it all the time – a Veteran gets in over their head in their VA Benefits claim, and then scrambles to find an attorney.
Often, they make a choice that may not be ideal for their claim.
I teach Veterans 8 Things they should know before hiring an attorney in a VA Benefits Claims. Included is a 30-question checklist to use when interviewing attorneys.
#3: TDIU Field Manual
TDIU can be a complicated and sometimes overwhelming claim or appeal for a Veteran – even the VA regional offices and BVA get confused about what you need to prove to get this benefit.
Rather than overwhelm you with lawyer-talk, legalese, and convoluted analysis, this eBook presents the core information that a Veteran filing for TDIU needs to know.
This eBook will help you understand the process, law and strategy of the average TDIU claim – written in plain English.
In this case study, the Veteran got to his DRO hearing and was told that his Major Issue – Ischemic Heart Disease resulting from exposure to Agent Orange on the Korean DMZ – was not on appeal.
This Case Study is a helpful look into how the DRO Process can help you achieve a positive outcome.
#5: Sworn Declaration
If you are going to submit lay evidence, wouldn’t you rather the VA give it full legal weight? Of course you would.
Use a Sworn Declaration form that my law firm uses to add lay evidence to the Veteran’s appeal.
The sworn declaration – according to 28 USC § 1746 – carries the same legal weight as a notarized affidavit.
#6: 10 Veterans Court Cases Every Veteran Should Know.
Veterans Court Cases are more than just boring statements of law and legalese.
Properly studied, they teach us how to prove and win our claims and appeals.
This Veterans Law Guidebook teaches the 10 Cases that Every Veteran Should Know.
#7: VA Claims Evidence Field Manual (The Secret to Proving Your VA Claim).
You can’t win your VA Claim or Appeal without evidence.
And my experience is that the Veterans that submit a certain type of evidence get their VA decisions more quickly.
I will teach my method of using 5-Star Lay and Medical Evidence to prove a VA Claim or Appeal – and share my unique Lay Evidence Worksheets and Sworn Declaration forms.
#8: VA Sleep Apnea Field Manual.
In over 165 pages of information, I will teach
* How to Prove Sleep Apnea Claims using my “4 Pillars Method”
* Common Veteran Errors in Veterans VA Sleep Apnea Appeals and Claims
* How to Put it All Together – the 5 Most Common Service-Connection Scenarios.
#1: How to Get & Use Your VA C-file! (3 hr Streaming Video, with 14 downloads!)
This 3 hour video, broken into 10 easy-to-follow lessons, teaches you what your c-file is, where the VA keeps it, why you need to get a copy, how to get it, how to organize it, and how to USE the C-file to Take Back the Power in your VA Claim, including:
* INCLUDES My never-before-released C-File Review Template form and instructions (just like the one I use on every C-File at my law firm)
#2: How to Prove the 4 Pillars of a VA Service Connection Claim (5+ hr Streaming Video, broken into easy to follow and informative downloads!)
You will not find a more thorough or definitive guide to understanding and proving the 4 Pillars of a VA Service Connection Claim anywhere else. Not even the VA will give you this much information. Click here to see a sampling of the topics covered:
This 5+ hour video, broken into easy-to-follow lessons, teaches you everything you will need to know to have a strong understanding of VA Claims eligibility….the 5 Paths to Service Connection….how to prove an impairment rating….how to make sure you are getting the best ratings possible…how to fight for the earliest effective date…and much more.
#3: VA’s Modernized Appeals Process 
This course is being built through live classroom sessions. Over the next several weeks, we will cover – in detail – everything discussed in the overview video
#4: How to File a VA Claim (1 hr streaming video)
This may be the most information anyone has ever put together in a single tool on the topic of filing and proving up a Fully Developed Claim (FDC) for VA Service Connection. With the purchase of this video, you will receive:
* 54 Minute Video giving Step-by-Step Training
* 57 Page Workbook with over a dozen forms, templates, worksheets, & checklists
* My ONE-OF-A-KIND VA Claims Map
* Much More.
#5: Get to the Point! (1/2 hour Streaming Video)
This 25 minute video gives you MY 5-step method to persuasive writing. I use it in all of my cases, and for all of my clients. I’ll teach you how to make your VA Claims arguments MORE persuasive…..and….how to give the VA written documents that are more clear and concise.
I’ll teach how to use your writing to MAKE the VA want to issue a decision in your claim or appeal….and… to outline your writing, the facts you should add to support your argument
My goal is to teach you some basic writing tips so that you know how to tell the VA exactly what you want. PLUS, I’ll share my 7 Tips for Editing your writing that will fix 80% of the problems in your VA Claims arguments.
#6: VA TDIU Claims
This course will educate you about the law, regulations, forms and procedures for filing a claim for TDIU benefits in your VA Claim or VA Appeal.
The following topics are covered in the course:
* Eligibility for TDIU
* Filling out VA Form 21-8940
* Elements of a VA TDIU Claim
* Using lay, medical and expert evidence in a VA TDIU Claim
* Effective dates in a VA TDIU Claim
* Much, much more.
#7: VA Sleep Apnea Claims
This course will educate you about the law, regulations, forms and procedures for filing a claim to service connect sleep apnea in a VA Claim or VA Appeal, as well as the four pillars of a VA Claim.
The following are among the topics we will cover in this course:
* Eligibility
* What it takes to prove nexus in VA Sleep Apnea Claims (direct, secondary, aggravation, etc.)
* Explain the different VA Impairment Rating levels in a VA Sleep Apnea Claim, and the evidence that can be used to establish an impairment rating
* Laws, regulations and policies in setting effective dates for VA Sleep Apnea claims
* Different types of sleep apnea, conditions caused or aggravated by sleep apnea
* Much, much more
#8: Important Caselaw from the Veterans Court and Federal Circuit
In this course, each lesson will analyze and review the impact of a different precedential decision of the US Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, and/or the US Supreme Court.
#9: 5-Star Evidence
In this course, we will discuss:
* 3 Types of VA Claims Evidence
* “Best practices” in Submitting Medical, Lay and Expert Evidence
* The 5-Stars of Evidence and how to use them to improve your VA Claim or Appeal
* Credibility of witnesses and testimony in VA claims and appeals.
* Much more!
Is the Veterans Law Blog® Worth The Cost?
I think so: I put a lot of time into giving you content that is thorough, helpful and informative.
Nobody else – no accredited attorney and no VSO – will teach you how to Take Back the Power in Your VA Claim or Appeal.
But don’t listen to me….here’s what your fellow Veterans said about the Veterans Law Blog®:
Tim T (Vietnam Veteran, medic & former nurse): “I followed your process on the Vet law blog and I am now rated at 70% in only 3 months. Thank you Chris!”
Joe B: “Your blog is the top of the heap of resources available for veteran’s claims.”
Richard S: “The veterans law blog has great ebooks that will get you going in the right direction.”
Bruce D: “I want to donate to the Veterans Law Blog® in lieu of what had been my 25+ years of DAV contributions. I learned more in a month from the Vet Law blog than the DAV ever taught me.”
Bonnie G: “I am so pleased to find your website! Your selection of books is wonderful and the knowledge you share is priceless!”
Alex L: ” Considering what someone like me would have to pay to get this information from an accredited VA attorney, I would say the price worth every penny. Your information is valuable.”
National VSO Service Rep: “Your blog material is shedding new light on the VA process and how to increase the probability of getting a successful claim award.” (This rep asked me to keep his name confidential)
Daniel T.: “Thank you! Reading your blogs and books worked. You give Veterans so much knowledge. You gave me tools to get 100% permanent and total. I will call to personally thank you.”
Brad S.: “My sincere gratitude…if there was a “Chris Attig” that I could have crossed paths with back in 1974, I could have been in the VA System literally DECADES ago!”
Samuel A. “Great website! I have purchased most of your eBooks and have found them to be very helpful and I very much appreciate the information in understanding and dealing with the VA.”
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The Veterans Law Blog® also uses an HTTPS Certificate – that means that all communications between your browser and this website are encrypted.
Why Isn’t the Veterans Law Blog® Free?
Hundreds – if not thousands – of y’all have emailed me to tell me how the Veterans Law Blog® transformed your VA Claim.
Many of you now have benefits because of what you learned to do on this website.
I am ECSTATIC about that – and it convinces me of the POWER of Information. So, I’m going to Build the Next Step of my Vision.
The Veterans Law Blog® will do MORE than just post daily articles and release eBooks and Field Manuals – it will become the BEST resource for Veterans Battling the VA for Benefits…and for VSOs that WANT more training than their national offices will provide.
Become a member of the Veterans Law Blog® NOW….and be the fuel that drives the Veterans Law Blog® to achieve that Vision.
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