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Episode 5: Accepting the Transgender Veteran.

Episode 5: Accepting the Transgender Veteran. Play in new window | DownloadWhen I left the Army, I had no concept of what it meant to be transgender, nor did I know of anyone who was...
Episode 4: Behind the Lens.

Episode 4: Behind the Lens. Play in new window | DownloadNo matter what branch you served in – Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard – the purpose of basic...
A Profile in Advocacy: Melissa Bryant

A Profile in Advocacy: Melissa Bryant

Melissa Bryant is no stranger to veteran advocacy groups. She is a Black female US Army combat veteran from Philadelphia.  Formerly the National Legislative Director of the American Legion and Chief Policy Officer for Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, she also...
Episode 3: Cornpone Opinions.

Episode 3: Cornpone Opinions.

Episode 3: Find out what corn pone has to do with reintegration into civilian life. Then, Tony Williams and I talk about his non-profit “Veterans Counseling Veterans” which works in unique ways to bridge the civilian-military gap.