Favorable lay evidence: it can save your VA claim from the BVA trash heap.
When the BVA ignores favorable lay evidence in a Veteran’s claim, the CAVC is going to chunk that decision into the trash can. Accredited VA attorney Chris Attig talks more about the Pure Raw Power of Lay Evidence in a VA Claim.
Why did two similar VA sleep apnea claims have such different results at the BVA?
Today we are going to look at 2 very similar fact patterns in 2 VA Sleep Apnea claims, and figure out why One Veteran PROVED service-connection, and the other did not.
An Interview with a Board of Veterans Appeals Judge: Learn what’s REALLY important at the BVA!
Board of Veterans Appeals Judge Vito Clementi talks about his military service, how the BVA Decision process works, common problems he sees in BVA Hearings and Appeals….and much more.