VA Claims Evidence. It’s how you PROVE a VA claim or appeal.
KNOWING the law of VA Claims or Appeals is really important. In fact, its one of my 8 steps to improving your VA Claim or Appeal
Including 5-Star Evidence in your VA Claim is vital to winning your VA claim.
HOW you argue your case to the VA is also very important; like the old saying goes, HOW you say something is usually more important than WHAT you say.
But if you don’t have the right VA Claims Evidence in your C-File, or in your arguments to the VA, you will be denied.
Any legal system – and particularly the VA Claims process – requires evidence to prove your claim or argument. And while the Veteran does not have to produce as much evidence in a VA claim as a plaintiff in civil court (our burden of proof is only “as least as likely as not”), you still need some proof for what you are claiming.
The problem is that most Veterans don’t know WHAT VA Claims Evidence to include with their claim or appeal.
They typically send off a haystack of documents to the VA and tell the rater to figure out what all the VA Claims Evidence means.
The first step in choosing which VA Claims Evidence to use in your claim or appeal is to know what kinds of VA Claims Evidence are generally used in ANY service-connection claim or appeal.
Once you understand the 3 different types of evidence, you are ready to begin figuring out which VA Claims Evidence is missing from your file, what new VA Claims Evidence to add, and HOW to argue it to the VA.
So let’s start with talking about the 3 types of VA Claims Evidence you are going to want to consider for inclusion in your claim or appeal.
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