The question “What are the easiest things to claim for VA disability” is one of the most commonly asked questions by veterans in Google searches.
In this short “Pop-Up Video,” I’m going to tackle this question and tell you what I think are the easiest things to claim for VA disability claims.
My answer may surprise you.
In fact, I think the BETTER question is: “How can I make my VA disability claim easier?”
I’ve been at this since 2007, and along the way I’ve learned a thing or two about what does and doesn’t work with the VA and VA disability claims.
On this blog, I teach the “8 Steps to Improve Your VA Disability Claim,” because I know that if veterans follow these steps, one of three things will happen:
- You may just win your claim earlier than other veterans.
- You stand a far better chance of a successful administrative appeal to the BVA
- Your case file is tidy and organized so that an attorney – if you choose to hire one – can come in and do what we do more quickly and more efficiently.
Watch the video. See if what I say makes common sense. If so, check out the 8 Steps to Improve your VA Disability Claim in more detail on the Veterans Law Blog.
What’s a “popup” video?
I will randomly “pop up” live on the Veterans Law Blog® You Tube channel (click here to like and follow me on YouTube), or the Veterans Law Blog® Facebook Page (click here to like and follow me on Facebook) and talk to whoever’s listening for 5 or 10 minutes about VA claims and appeals.
To be sure to get announcements in your Facebook Newsfeed when I go live, be sure to adjust your Facebook settings to say you want to see our posts first.
In today’s Facebook Popup, we hit the following topics:
* What are the easiest things to claim for VA disability claims
* The 8 Steps to Improving Your VA Claim
* I also answer a few LIVE questions from veterans about VA claims.