One of the very few successful programs started by the VA in recent memory is the VA Claims & Evidence Intake Center. I had a chance to tour the facility a while back, and reported on it to y’all – click here to read about the facility.
Well, there is a NEW tool that will make it easier and faster to get information in to your digital claims file when you fax information in to the “EIC“.
The VA Claims & Evidence Intake Center Fax Coversheet.
The new tool is a fax coversheet – click on the link below to download it in fillable PDF format.
- VA Claims and Evidence Intake Center Fax Coversheet (Effective: February 2017)
Fill this form out as completely as you can before faxing your claims forms and evidence to the VA Claims and Evidence Intake Center.
Read the post below for more tips on how to best use this form.
The form is fairly self-explanatory….fill it out completely to get maximum value from the VA EIC.
Well, it wouldn’t be the VA if a new and useful tool didn’t have a huge screw-up in it.
The fax number is the OLD EIC in Newnan, Georgia, which was closed in 2016.
It “should” get forwarded to the current EIC in Janesville, but if you don’t want to take any chances, fax your submissions to this fax as well:
PO BOX 4444
JANESVILLE, WI 53547-4444
TOLL FREE: 844-531-7818
6 Tips for Using the VA Claims & Evidence Intake Center Fax Coversheet.
Some tips on using this form:
- This is for CLAIMS documents and evidence only – I am told there is another form coming for APPEALS documents and evidence shortly.
- If you use an electronic fax service (like efax for example), then you will get a confirmation fax back from the EIC when your filing is received. This confirmation will have the Document Control Number on it, which will allow you to verify what the VA received in that fax if there is any question.
- Regardless of whether you use a fax machine, an efax service, or the Kinkos or public library fax…SAVE YOUR FAX CONFIRMATION SHEET and a copy of what you submitted. This is how you prove service of this information to the VA if there is ever a question.
- With this cover sheet, we are finding that information makes it into your C-File within 3-21 business days, depending on the size – and competence – of the Regional Office downloaded their “digital mail” from the EIC. This is a VAST improvement over snail-mail timelines of the past.
- The VA tells folks not to submit documents to the EIC by fax AND Certified Mail…and for routine filings and submissions, I agree. HOWEVER, for really important documents and documents filed within 3 business days of a deadline, I still prefer to have a Certified Mail receipt in addition to the fax confirmation. That’s just because I don’t trust the VA 100%.
- The “emergent claims category” of check-boxes are intriguing…some of these are known categories of claims which can be expedited, so if it sounds like it applies, check ALL that apply. Some, however, are not to my knowledge defined in the regulations or M21-1MR, so it remains to be seen how VA Process will change to handle these “Emergency” Claim categories. Stay tuned for more.