One problem with the VA Claims Process is that Veterans, the VA & the CAVC don’t share a common language. For Veterans just leaving Active Duty, accredited VA Attorney Chris Attig gives a very basic overview of the VA.
As recently as June 2014, the VA has reinforced its intent to provide same sex married couple VA Benefits that are no different from any other married couple. Learn about a few of those benefits here.
The Joint Chiefs were up on the Hill earlier this week, talking to the Senate Armed Services Committee about the huge problem of rape and sexual assault in the military (the DoD and VA have “niced” this up by inventing the term “Military Sexual...
I don’t get it – why did the Seattle VA Regional Office deny service connection for post traumatic stress disorder to this survivor of Military Sexual Trauma ? See if you can help me understand.
Veterans Benefits Attorney Chris Attig discusses the common BVA error of denying a request to open a previously denied or final claim for disability compensation.