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VA Claims LIVE (Episode 003: October 21, 2016)

VA Claims LIVE (Episode 003: October 21, 2016)

SHOW NOTES: Date of Show: Friday, October 21, 2016 Host: Chris Attig, Accredited VA Claims Attorney Note: Depending when you are seeing this post, some of the offers and opportunities in this list may have expired. 1. Topics Covered *   What to do if your VSO rep...
In a VA Disability Claim, can your medications reduce the rating the VA gives you?

In a VA Disability Claim, can your medications reduce the rating the VA gives you?

There are some raters at the VA that act like THEY are having to pay your benefits out of their paycheck.

These raters will commonly lower a Veteran’s disability impairment rating in a VA Disability claim for service connection of an injury or disease resulting from military service, but is getting treatment for that condition.

There is a group of raters who believe that PTSD is cured when you get treatment, that you aren’t disabled if you are taking insulin for diabetes, or that sleep apnea is gone once you start using a CPAP.

The problem is, a lot of Veterans believe them, because it sounds pretty reasonable.

However, the law is not always written this way – and sometimes, for good reason.

PTSD is not cured.

Sleep Apnea rarely goes away.

It is hard to reverse diabetes once your kidneys start to fail.

In this post, I will explain when the VA can – and when they cannot – reduce your VA Disability rating because you are taking medication for the symptoms of the condition… .