Most Recent Blog Posts
Break Out of VA Prison, and FIX Your VA Claims.
Edward R. Murrow - the famous American journalist - once famously said that “We are all prisoners of our own experience”. He was talking about prejudice, and his belief that most men and women cannot overcome or change their prejudices, I think his quote...
Want to Add Dependents for VA Disability Claims? Sometimes, it’s not as easy as it sounds….
Will you get the right answer to this Veteran’s question: What is the Correct Effective Date when you add dependents to VA disability claims?
When You Get a VA Ratings Decision, Should You File an Appeal, Request to Reopen, or Seek Reconsideration?
When it comes to the current options for challenging a VA Ratings Decision, Veterans often send me emails asking what do they do..which option do they choose? To begin answering that question, let me tell you a story Every so often, my wife and I trade out our family...
Here’s the Key to Unlock MORE VA Disability Hearing Loss Compensation.
I’ll show you how to get MORE compensation for your VA Disability Hearing Loss.
VA Patient Dumping
Have you heard this scenario? A Veteran goes in to a VA Medical Center or hospital for treatment. For whatever reason, the VA either refuses treatment, or partially treats and releases the Veteran. The Veteran is then "discharged" from the VA hospital or medical...
Big News for Veterans with TBI Service Connection Claims.
The June 2016 TBI Service Connection News. So here’s the big TBI news….came out of the VA on June 1, 2016…...bottom line up front: If you have a TBI, and the VA denied your TBI Service Connection claim using a medical opinion by a non-qualified examiner, the VA will...
Want to Move Your BVA Appeal into High Gear? File a Motion to Advance on the Board of Veterans Appeals Docket.
When someone tells you a BVA appeal MUST take a long time, remember that it IS possible to advance your appeal on the Board of Veterans Appeals Docket. (This Post is accessible to all Veterans Law Blog subscribers, but contains special Premium Content for Annual Members).
7 Tips for Sending to the New VA Evidence Intake Center.
Use these 7 Tips to ensure that you get faster and better results from your submissions to the VA Evidence Intake Center.