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VA Claims LIVE (Episode 011: February 10, 2017)
SHOW NOTES: Date of Show: Friday, February 10, 2017 (Episode 011) Host: Chris Attig, Accredited VA...
Agent Orange Exposure and Low Level Flights over Vietnam….
So we know that VA will move heaven and earth to ignore the realities of chemistry and physics and military operations if it will help them deny an Agent Orange exposure claim. The VA has long denied that Navy Veterans were exposed to Agent Orange, unless they went...
CASE ALERT: Federal Circuit Clarifies What Kind of Proof of Stressor Event Veteran Must Submit.
Have you seen the new version of the movie "The Alamo?" The one back in 2004 with Billy Bob Thornton, Jason Patric and a host of other big name actors? Well, there is a scene in the movie where Jim Bowie (who is annoyed by William Travis' high-and-mighty airs) says...
VA Claims LIVE (Episode 010: January 27, 2017)
SHOW NOTES: Date of Show: Friday, January 27, 2017 (Episode 010) Host: Chris...
Looking Back at 2016, and Looking Forward to 2017….
2016 was a big year for the Veterans Law Blog, by the numbers. The blog published 164 new posts in 2016 The total posts on the blog shot over the 1,000 post mark 66,035 new Veterans started following the blog on Facebook. That's a lot of growth for a blog written by...
VA Claims LIVE (Episode 008: December 30, 2016)
SHOW NOTES: Date of Show: Friday, December 30, 2016 (Episode 008) Host: Chris Attig,...
4 Ways to Get Higher VA Disability Ratings
Do you remember the Tower of Babel from history classes? Fascinating story that are the high notes. Man was building a tower to reach the heavens. God, a little worried that man might actually reach the heavens, needed to put an end to their work building...
Don’t Fear the VA Remand…
Many Veterans think of the VA Remand as the Grim Reaper in a VA Claim. Veterans need not fear the VA Remand – as this excerpt from a VA Field Manual will tell you.