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VIDEO: The Reasonable Doubt Doctrine and the Benefit of the Doubt in Video Claims.
[adthrive-in-post-video-player video-id="4FpGQ4Jm" upload-date="2017-08-28T17:40:20.000Z" name="The VA Benefit of the Doubt Doctrine" description="If you are arguing to the VA that they should apply the ""Benefit of the Doubt"" to your claim or appeal for VA Service...
Court Cases are SO MUCH MORE than just Statements of the Law.
Veterans Court Cases are an often overlooked fountain of information about how to improve your own VA Claim. In today’s post, the Federal Circuit shows us exactly how important it is to get a copy – NOW – of your VA Regional Office C File.
VIDEO: 2 Things Non-Combat Veterans Need to Show in Proving a PTSD Stressor Event.
Let's set the stage.... ,,,you filed a claim for PTSD. Your stressor event did NOT occur in combat. Therefore, you have to corroborate the stressor event. We've talked about this before on the blog, and its not new information. In fact, it seems pretty simple,...
Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims law is made by Court Panels – not single Judge – decisions.
Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims law is made by full court decisions. But the large majority of Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims decisions are written by single judges….what’s the difference?
Representation in a Veterans Claim: The Choice that Is No Choice At All.
The Veterans Law Blog believes Veterans should have the right to a representative of their own choice in their Veterans Claim for Disability Benefits – which includes choosing to represent themselves.
Veterans, the VA and a New Culture of Civility.
Listen, I'm human. And human beings feel emotion. When I get the run around from the VA in one of my clients' cases....or when some VA employee spouts off some unadulterated bulls**t.....or when I see another client die while the VA is playing bureaucratic "footsie"...
New Fax Coversheet for the VA Evidence Intake Center
One of the very few successful programs started by the VA in recent memory is the VA Claims & Evidence Intake Center. I had a chance to tour the facility a while back, and reported on it to y'all - click here to read about the facility. Well, there is a NEW tool...
VA Claims LIVE (Episode 012: February 24, 2017)
SHOW NOTES: Date of Show: Friday, February 14, 2017 (Episode 012) Host: Chris Attig,...