Most Recent Blog Posts
VIDEO: TWO Presumptions for Vietnam-era Veterans with Agent Orange exposure claims.
I look at a LOT of C-files. A half-dozen or more each week for the last 10 years. After you see this many C-Files, the common mistakes Veterans make in proving up the 4 pillars of a VA Claim just start jumping off the pages. And when it comes to Agent Orange exposure...
Interpreting the VA Diagnostic Code for Peripheral Neuropathy
The VA diagnostic code for Peripheral Neuropathy seems, on its face, to be fairly straightforward. But if you watch the decisions coming out of the Board, you will quickly see that most Veterans fail to get beyond the 10% rating level - and it's not because the...
When 2 VA Doctors Can’t Agree…Get a Private Medical Opinion Letter.
It often happens that 2 VA doctors write VERY different medical opinion letters. What’s a Veteran to do? Here are a couple ideas if you find yourself in this situation.
VIDEO: What is Secondary Service Connection and How do you Prove It?
[adthrive-in-post-video-player video-id="kxutQdwi" upload-date="2017-08-28T17:40:20.000Z" name="Secondary Service Connection" description="The hardest part of a VA Claim is proving ""Service Connection"" - there are 5 ways to prove it. When it comes to one of those...
3 Types of Reconsideration when it comes to the VA Ratings Decision….
There are 3 critical times where the VA's decision forces each Veteran (or survivor) to make a choice. At each of these 3 critical junctures, you will have to answer the question: "Do I want to accept the denial of my claim or appeal, or just accept it and walk away."...
Need a Lawyer? Learn About Veterans Benefits attorneys & the Fees They Charge.
Veterans Benefits Attorney Chris Attig discusses when Veterans can hire an attorney for their VA Disability Compensation claim.
VIDEO: The lies the VA Tells the Veteran’s Surviving Spouse and WHY they are NOT true.
Year in and year out, the VA (and frankly, a lot of national and county VSOs) continue to tell the same lies to the Surviving Spouse of deceased Veterans..... .....and as a result..... .....Surviving Spouses leave a LOT of VA benefits "on the table". Veterans...
How does the VA rate Veterans Parkinson’s Disease?
More and more Veterans are being diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease…the question I answer in today’s post is whether the VA is properly rating the Veterans Parkison’s Disease.